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An image of Finka Jerkovic and Louise Taylor.

Q & A: How to Embrace Your Authentic Career Impact Featuring Louise Taylor, Founder of FireFly Effect    

Listen to the full interview:

1. What fueled your transition from the corporate world to owning your own business?

“I was packaged, and my role was eliminated just before COVID hit in November 2019. At that time, I’d spent the last 20 years in corporate marketing, the last eight and a half building the marketing team in the company. It was the first time in my life I ever stepped back and had an opportunity to think about what I wanted to do next. At first, I jumped into the hamster wheel of getting resumes out there. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because it gave me that opportunity and permission to step back and say, What do I really want? What really lights me up? Going back into a corporate role was not cutting it. It did not light me up. It was probably one of the first times I actually listened to my gut and intuition and said, What would you love? A part of me loved what I did over those 20 years. I love what I learned. I love the impact I was able to make in that corporate space. But I thought, what if I could do that for smaller businesses or entrepreneurs? What if I go back to my entrepreneur roots? I was an entrepreneur for 15 years before jumping into corporate. I thought it was time for me to bring the two together. 

2. For those who may be in the same shoes as you were, hitting “rock bottom” and getting packaged off, what advice can you offer them?

“In the moment, it really felt like I got a kick in the gut to be brought into that typical HR room where the head of HR sat there with my boss. I’ve done it enough to know what the drill was. I literally said to my boss, “It’s okay, I know the drill. I get it.” That initial shock, that hurt… I’d spent the last eight and half years giving all my heart and soul into my job, and to feel the rejection… I had to allow myself to feel through that. I had to sit with it and allow myself time to process what was happening. 

In the process, I realized this is happening for me, not to me. I changed to the mindset of there is an opportunity coming at the other end of this and I’m going to lean into it because I know things happen for a reason. When I changed my mindset from it’s happening to me to it’s happening for me, it allowed me to get curious about what could be laying ahead instead of “I’m a failure” and looking behind me. It gave me permission to start looking ahead, to dream and think about what that could look like, opposed to falling into line. 

The other thing was finding a support system of people who understand what you’re going through. I call them my personal board of directors. Sometimes we need somebody to tell us to suck it up and get going, and other times we need a shoulder to cry on.” 

3. You’re passionate about living out your authentic impact through your work. What moments in your life made this a priority for you?

I was a single mom and had a business with my ex-husband. We’re on great terms now, but I lost myself, or I never found myself. I spent most of my life pleasing other people, putting who I am aside. There were moments in my life that impacted mesome in a negative way and some in a positive waythat made me sit back and go, “Who am I? I internalized everything for a good part of my life. Back in 2008, I internalized so much, and I clenched my jaw so much because I was hesitant to talk, that I ended up with a tumor in my jaw. In order to remove it, they had to remove part of my jaw. In the process, I was wired shut. This is one of those moments where I realized this is happening for you, not to you. I had to relearn how to talk, eat, smile. I saw it as a sign that it was time for me to learn to find my voice. 

4. One of the ways you recently upleveled your visibility was through a collaborative book project, All Out Impact. Can you tell the readers a little bit about the project and what the experience was like for you?

“One of the things that has been important for me over the last number of years is continuously challenging myself and being part of communities. Last year, I joined a mastermind group called E360. There are 22 women entrepreneurs, all at various levels in their businesses, but they all had that same heartdriven, heartcentered desire to build an authentic business. One of the things we did was collaborate on this book, All Out Impact. It was an interesting process to go through because it wasn’t just us telling our stories; we went through a lot of discoveries. A part of the process was seven questions we all had to reflect on and answer. We were interviewed about the seven questions, including everything from: What impacted you as a child? What were some of the professional things that happened to you that would have impacted or changed the trajectory of your relationships? What are some of the failures? What are some of the successes?  

It was really an introspective exercise we went through. The interviews were recorded, and from those interviews they selected different questions for different entrepreneurs. We put them together in the book. The interesting thing was the way they put this book together; it’s not just a selection of stories; it’s also advice, a workbook, and sharing strategies. When someone is going through the book, it gives insights and strategies that you can start leveraging or implementing. Everyone’s stories are unique, and I think that’s the beauty of this book. For me, it was a healing journey. 

5. What did you take away from the experience? How did it shift you as a person?

“It helped me feel more alive and comfortable in who I am as a person. The messy part of my past… I allowed it to flow through and not get hung up on it because as much as we all have those messy moments in our lives, they help shape who we are today. I recognize there are a lot of people who need to hear they’re not alone. I felt alone for so many years. For me, it was the mindset of you can get through this and you are worthy. 

6. What are you looking to create as you continue in your business and leadership?

“I want people to feel that on the outside they can be the same person as who they are on the inside. No facade. I spent so many years of my life always smiling. Reflecting back and going through my yearbook a few weeks ago, I never noticed how many people said to always keep your smile, that seeing my smile every day made their day. My smile, for so many years, hid hurt. People assume you’re fine if you’re smiling. It was my facade, my defense. My hope is when you’re smiling, it’s not a facade. It’s genuine. And whether that’s you as a person or your business brand, it’s about how do you make that real. I want people to feel that their business reflects who they really are, answering the questions: What is your vision? What is your purpose? I want that authenticity to shine through because for me, I spent far too many years trying to be who everybody else expected me to be at the expense of my health, my time with my children, and my own happiness. 


Finka Jerkovic 

Career Advancement Coach and Founder of Finka Inc.  

With 25+ years in leadership and sales and the financial services industry, she has witnessed the power of recognizing and celebrating people’s unique strengths and differences (a.k.a Brilliant Differences™) within a workplace. When everyone’s unique talents are appreciated and people work together using them, that’s when the real magic of career and business growth happens. Fast forward 10 years. Finka has established programs that help mid-career professionals and leaders grow in their careers by tapping into the full potential of their personal brand, so they can clearly define their strengths, value their differences, and perform at their best. 


Louise Taylor

Founder of FireFly Effect

Louise is a passionate, discerning expert with over 20 years of experience as a corporate brand and marketing executive, leader, and entrepreneur. With a keen eye for what makes each business truly special, Louise delves deep into the hearts of brands and goals of business, illuminating new insights, developing sound strategies, and empowering eager teams. As a Fascinate Certified Advisor, she has honed her skills to not only identify but also amplify the inherent brilliances of business, ensuring they resonate with and captivate their desired audiences. 

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