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Ep. 11 Jennifer Louden

Episode 11: Settling Into the Unknown? Take Time to Find the Desire for What’s Next with Jennifer Louden

Get Your Bother On.

My guest today best-selling author, writer and business mentor Jennifer Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped launch the concept of self-care with her first bestseller, The Woman’s Comfort Book.  

Since then, she’s written six additional books on well-being and whole living, including The Woman’s Retreat Book and The Life Organizer, with close to a million copies of her books in print in nine languages.  

Her newest is Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next.  

Jennifer has spoken around the world and has written a national magazine column for a Martha Stewart magazine, been quoted in two of Brené Brown’s books, and has appeared on hundreds of TV programs, radio shows, and podcasts—even on Oprah. 

In this episode Jennifer talks to us about how to get our bother on.   

There are times when you’re just not feeling it, are wondering what’s the point or you’ve hit a big milestone and are asking yourself is this it? 

Jennifer gives us a roadmap on what we can expect when we lose our will to bother about something.  

One of the big aha’s Jennifer has taught me was claiming my WIIFM -what’s in it for me?  For many of us are servant type leaders – we love to serve, give and overdeliver.  We make it all about our clients and our team.  That’s why we do the work we do – right? 

But somewhere in there we need to own what is in it for us.  We are not martyr’s and as Jennifer puts it, it can take on an ugly form.  We avoid this by stating what we are getting out of the deal. 

You need to be clear and own it.  This will keep in invested in the long game and it is not selfish of you to call it out it. It is a responsible act of integrity to yourself, your clients, and your work. 

PS: If you loved this episode please head on over to your podcast app to rate and give us a review. We need your help in sharing the Sell From Love message with others.  Finka and the SFL podcast team appreciate you for listening and spreading the word. 

Resources and References highlighted in this episode:

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Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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