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Episode 117: How to Make Your Sales Proposal Success Rate Flourish

Welcome to episode 117 of the Transformational Selling™ Podcast! In this episode, I cover three steps to grow your sales garden that will have you cultivating blossoming client relationships and better sales proposal success rates.

The sales process is much like tending to a garden. First, you need to find the right environment to connect with your ideal clients. Next, you need to plant the seeds of connection. And finally, you need to nurture the seeds with sun, water, and soil to get a sprout.

By learning how to tend to your sales garden, you will create a nourishing sales process that will fuel you for years to come. No more bone-dry sales pipelines; everything’s coming up roses.

Specifically, here’s what you will learn:

  • How to find and create the right environment for your ideal clients.
  • How to approach your client in the safe environment and sow seeds of connection.
  • The power of nurturing those seeds of connection, and what can happen if you forget about them.
  • The importance of patience and consistency.
  • Why you should be planting seeds even when you’re nurturing other areas of the garden.
  • Three calls to action that will help you grow the optimal sales garden.

To access the downloadable Transformational Sales Proposal Template, visit

My new book Transformational Selling: A Playbook for Financial Professionals is now available on Amazon! Click here to buy.

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me. 

And if you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review us on iTunes and pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning about Transformational Selling.

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