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A blue and white graphic with a photo of a man presenting to the left, a headshot of Finka Jerkovic to the right, and the words "Top 5 Challenges You Face When Influencing."

Episode 123: Top 5 Challenges You Face When Influencing

Welcome to episode 123 of the Transformational Selling™ Podcast! This podcast episode leads the production of a new series: Amplify Your Influence. Within the next four episodes, you’ll learn how to enhance your influence skills so you can generate more effective conversations with your team, clients, and prospects, helping you get your message across clearly and inspire action.  

In this episode specifically, I chat about the top five challenges you can face when influencing within the sales and business industry: motivators, communication styles, resistance, status quo bias, and reactance.  

Specifically, here’s what you will learn: 

  • What exactly influencing is vs. what it is not. 
  • How to uplevel your influencing skills from transactional to transformational.  
  • What the top five challenges of influencing are, what they look like in the industry, and how to overcome them.  
  • How influencing is a part of our everyday lives. 
  • The importance and impact of being a strong influencer.  
  • How developing transformational influence skills can uplevel your leadership.  

Download the Amplify Your Influence Guidebook 

Are you ready to become a confident influencer? Download the Amplify Your Influence Guidebook to communicate with resonance, helping you grow your leadership and credibility within your audience and revenue within your business.  

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me.  

And if you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review us on iTunes and pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning about Transformational Selling. 

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