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Go For No!

Episode 15: Do You Fear Rejection? You Need Rejection to Get to a Yes with Andrea Waltz

What are we so afraid of?

In my research, 82% of people do not consistently put themselves out there asking or inviting clients to work with them. We tell ourselves, we don’t have time, we’re too busy or we’ll get to it tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes, as the same reasons stand in the way.

The #1 reason we don’t put ourselves out there is fear. Fear of failure, fear of judgement and fear of rejection. It’s hard to put yourself out there to get that dreaded no. But do you know what’s harder – the impact of not even trying.

My guest today Andrea Waltz is the co-founder of Courage Crafters, Inc. and co-author of the best-selling book, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There

Andrea teaches people in virtually every business and industry how to think and feel differently about failure, rejection and the word, no. Today, “Go for No” is a well-known methodology in the world of selling and is widely recognized as the singular best program that deals with rejection in business.

We talk about: 
  • Andrea and I focus on the complicated relationship of failure and success. Yes and No are two sides of the same coin.
  • The series of no’s you have to conquer before reaching a yes.
  • Andrea shares insights on why we’re so afraid of the no and the value of overcoming the fear of failure.

Think about this, how many no’s are you getting in your business? If you’re not getting any could you be closing yourself off to opportunities because you’re afraid of rejection.

Andrea gives us a best practice.  We need to set both yes and no goals.  Yes, goals represent things we have to do in order to succeed while no goals introduce layer of opportunity. Coupling yes and no goals is imperative to maximize your potential.

This episode will give you a newfound perspective on the word no and your ability to face rejection.

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Resources and References highlighted in this episode:

Connect with Andrea Waltz:

Learn more about the Sell From Love Community here.

Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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