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Ep. 36 Welcome to Season 2 (9)

Episode 36: Welcome to Season 2 – A message from Finka

Welcome to Season 2 – A Message from Finka

We are entering Season 2 here on the Sell From Love podcast. Thank you so much for being here and sticking around. The purpose of this podcast is to share stories of transformation of how to go from selling from fear to selling from love, so you can earn more profit, reach more clients, and make a bigger impact.

This first season of 35 episodes has been fun to learn how our guests navigate their selling fears, uncertainties, and doubts. Being afraid or anxious to put yourself out there is not an isolated experience – you’re not the only one. I do hope that gives you some consolation. Telling these stories that expose the good, the bad and the struggle matter. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. It’s when we get through these challenges, that makes the sun shine so brightly and has the pot of gold waiting there for you. It’s because you stayed committed and did the heavy lifting you get to experience the positive outcomes of all your work.

I continue to stay committed to bring you stories and insights that help you walk away more enlightened on how to get your work out there so you can make a meaningful difference and build a financially sustainable business.

For this next series in Season 2, I am going solo! Meaning you’ll hear more of my personal experiences of how I overcame selling from fear. I’ll share stories from the early days of following my passions when I was still in the corporate world, to starting my coaching business, to selling online, and all the other the hits and misses along the way. My wish is to offer a short-cut, or alternative solution, or even inspiration to keep going.

Thank you for being here and I so look forward to hearing your thoughts about Season 2 here on the Sell From Love podcast.

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me.

And if you enjoyed this episode, please pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning to Sell From Love.

Learn more about the Sell From Love Community here.

Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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