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Ep. 36 Welcome to Season 2 (12)

Episode 39: The Single Most Important Attribute You Need to Sell More

The Single Most Important Attribute You Need to Sell More

Welcome to episode 39 and for making the time to learn how you could make selling feel good to you and your clients.

Selling is not something you’re contorted yourself to be or do inauthentically, rather it’s a skill you are using to add value to others and make a difference.

In this episode you will discover the single most important attribute you need to have when using this skill of selling.

When you master this aspect of selling, you will be unstoppable in your ambition and impact.

So, what is it?

Practicing non-attachment.

Nonattachment is a foundational teaching in Buddhism – let go of control and the need to have a say in everything that happens. When we learn this we learn to be present and surrender to what is – often times this can be better than you ever planned.

And this something we can lean into when selling from love.

When you approach selling in this detached way – first, you know you are selling from love. And secondly you open the door to possibilities and results that will surpass any of your expectations.

Specifically, here’s what you’re going to learn in this episode:

The difference between selling with attachment and non-attachment. I share my personal experience with each of these types of selling and the impact of both. We’ll talk about the triggers that put us in a state of attachment and the enablers to help us move closer to nonattachment and selling from love.
The one thing you want to be attached to when selling from love. There is something you need to be attached to, and this one thing will change everything in your results.
A personal mantra that will help you navigate when you find yourself attached to an outcome you want to make happen. Think less control, more compassion. Perfect when selling from love.
Ready to learn more? Tune in!


P.S: The doors to Sell From Love Academy are open!

If you’re a coach, consultant, workshop leader, or course creator that:

  • Wants to build a business but doesn’t know how to sell yourself or your work.
  • Is struggling to connect with ideal clients or close the sales you need to generate the revenue you want.
  • Wants to stop feeling overwhelmed with busy work and can’t find the time to focus on the high value strategic work you need to be doing
  • Struggles to put a price on the value you bring

Then you’re in the right place!

SELL FROM LOVE ACADEMY is the modern, principled way to rise above the noise, differentiate your work, add value and deliver a transformation to your clients and community.

To learn more visit:

I’d be honoured to work with you and help you learn how to sell from love so you can earn more profit, reach more clients, and make a bigger impact.

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me.

And if you enjoyed this episode, please pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning to Sell From Love.

Learn more about the Sell From Love Community here.

Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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