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Give Yourself Permission and Step Back to Move Forward.

2020 was a zinger. Nothing any one of us could have expected.

When the pandemic first hit, many (me included) we’re content with lock-down. It was a moment of pause on life, work, and business.  Everyone had to stop and slow down.  FOMO – fear of missing out didn’t seem as prevalent and was no longer in the driver’s seat. No one was moving, doing, or working – there didn’t seem much one would miss out on.

Instead, we took advantage and spent more time with our families.  Some found themselves in the kitchen baking bread while others in the living room playing board games. Everyone was home and for the most part, we seemed okay with it.

Fast forward, seven months in and most people have forgotten the gift of slowing down that now was all but a flicker of 2020.

The all too familiar hustle, busy, hurried rat race – a habit that is not easily broken was quick to move right back in. Now we’re juggling home and work in the same environment. No separation, no commuting or transition time from work life to home life – it’s all one big mash.

In my work with leaders in organizations and with business owners, one of the biggest needs’ they are seeking is time to think.  They don’t have space to hear themselves or figure out what they are thinking.   No room or quiet for Deep Thought.

It’s hard to innovate, design strategy or make sound decisions when you don’t give yourself the time or space to think. We need to think and go deep. Your leadership, creativity and results depend on it.

So how do you navigate a hustle life, urgent deadlines and decision making in unprecedented times?

You need to slow down. This is the paradox of how to get ahead. To move faster, get ahead, not miss out on an opportunity, you need to slow down to speed up.

I’ve learned this lesson, more times than I’d like to admit. You see, I’m one of those likes to push the envelope, stretch the limit and often my over ambitious goals and desires can get the better of me.  Especially when it comes to creating coaching and training programs, serving clients and doing what needs to get done to grow my business and the impact the work I do has.

As a professional or entrepreneur, you know what this hustle is like.  

It never feels like enough. You worry if you’ll meet your goals next quarter. You struggle to balance the admin work of your current client load while trying to figure out how to make time to promote your business so serve new clients. 

A number of years ago, I had one of my best sales years ever.  I was booked, well to be honest overbooked.  Between private coaching programs, keynotes and corporate workshops, hustle and busy was an understatement.  I worked so hard – the hustle was having me say yes to everything for fear that I would miss out on a sale or opportunity. Needless to say – I ended the year burned out. After that, I made a commitment to slow down.  

Today I wear a turtle charm around my neck to remind me of this promise. It’s an anchor that prompts me to slow down, stay in my lane and focus on my race. It takes FOMO out or helps manage my brains desire to compare myself to others. When decisions are made from fear no one wins and often we’re the ones that lose the most.

My guest today, Dr. Greg Wells best selling author, scientist and physiologist has dedicated his career to making the science of human limits understandable and actionable. He has a personal and professional obsession in health and performance, particularly under extreme conditions.

For over 25 years, Dr. Wells has worked with some of the highest-performing individuals on the planet, including Olympic and World champions, and with organizations ranging from General Electric to BMO, Deloitte, KPMG, BMW, Audi, Sysco Foods, YPO and Air Canada. 

A veteran endurance athlete, Dr. Wells has participated in the grueling Nanisivik Marathon 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Ironman Canada and the Tour D’Afrique, an 11,000 km cycling race that is the longest in the world. 

Dr. Wells is author of four best-selling books – Superbodies, The Ripple Effect, The Focus Effect and Rest, Refocus, Recharge.  Dr. Wells has a Ph.D. in Physiology, and continues to serve as a Senior Scientist in Translational Medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. 

He is the CEO and founder of Wells Performance, a global consulting firm committed to achieving the moonshot of helping teams, schools and businesses become places where people get healthy, perform optimally, and reach their potential

I’m am over the moon excited to bring you this enlightening conversation.

In this episode with Dr.Greg Wells, we talk about the importance of taking time to slow down to speed up.

It’s not about getting back to normal, rather re-imaging a future – is how he puts it.

He shares insights on the patterns of elite athletes and how, when they learned to play less, they gained more.

One of the things I really took away from this conversation is to allow ourselves to make burn out okay. Burnout tells us we stretched our limits.  It is the cost of hustling. 

Instead wronging ourselves for burning out consider it a tool to help you re-image and design your future with. By saying yes to everything – you’ve burned yourself out.

How could you now use the power of NO to proactively determine which opportunities you will be open to and say yes to.

That is the blessing of burning out, hustling and exhaustion gives us. It is a clarity call and confidence booster for decision making.

As we start 2021, many of us are making commitments, designing goals and resolutions for the year ahead.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or daunted by what’s ahead or maybe you’re confused as to what goals to focus on – then you’ve got to hear the approach Dr. Greg Wells offers so you can build better habits, hit your goals and achieve your results.

I can’t wait for you to listen to this episode and get inspired to unlock your highest and best performance as Dr. Greg Wells shows us his way.

Now let’s dive in!

PS: If you loved this episode please head on over to iTunes to rate and give us a review. We need your help in sharing the Sell From Love message with others.  Finka and them Sell From Love podcast team appreciate you for listening and spreading the word.

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Resources and References highlighted in this episode:

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