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Episode 54: How to Sell from Love – A Real Life Example

Welcome to episode 54.

On today’s episode I want to tell you a little bit about what’s going on in our farm here and give you an update on how my book writing experience is going. I am also going to tell you about an experience that one of my clients had as she was out there selling from love

Specifically, here’s what you will learn:

  • What’s going on in my farm life and work life
  • How I’m making time for my most important thing (MIT) projects
  • A great example that shows us why selling is not a technique or a skill. It is something that I know we all have inside of ourselves.


Ready to learn more? Tune in!


P.S: Let’s talk! Do you want a free coaching call with me?

If you’re a coach, consultant, or course creator that:

  • Wants to build a business but doesn’t know how to sell yourself or your work.
  • Is struggling to connect with ideal clients or close the sales you need to generate the revenue you want.
  • Wants to stop feeling overwhelmed with busy work and can’t find the time to focus on the high value strategic work you need to be doing
  • Struggles to put a price on the value you bring

Then you’re in the right place!

Let’s connect to find a way for you to earn more profit, reach more clients and make a bigger impact. Book a time with me today here:

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me.

And if you enjoyed this episode, please pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning to Sell From Love.

Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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