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Episode 66: Post-Pandemic: How Purpose has Changed at Work.

Welcome to episode 66. In today’s episode, I chat with Janet Lee all about purpose, leadership and branding! 

Janet Lee has over 20 years’ experience as a brand and marketing strategist with a passion for helping businesses grow by connecting them with their personal and corporate purpose. This is the foundation of their brand story and is a powerfully, strategic way to build a business. Janet believes your story is what make you irresistible to your community and is your most valuable differentiator. Janet is also a certified corporate and personal brand consultant helping executives and teams understand that living with purpose and leading with purpose increases individual and team engagement and is the lynchpin for acquiring and retaining the right talent as well as increasing marketshare. She started her company the Story co in 2014 and prior to that was the founder of Imagine Marketing Inc for 10 years. Her first business was Starstruck Enterprises Inc. An award-winning manufacturer, exporter, and retailer of women’s clothing sold to 320 stores in the United States and 120 stores across Canada.
Janet has been featured in Canada Business, is a past recipient of the Saskatchewan Dream Award, Firstbrook Casey Scholarship, and one of Canada’s top 100 influential Women in Sport. Janet has served as a Director of the Canadian Apparel Federation, President of the Saskatchewan Apparel and Textile Federation, AVP of Sport for the Canada Games and held numerous other volunteer roles.

Janet and I dive into some great discussions about purpose, what has happened in the post-pandemic world, why we need to have purpose work at the forefront of what we do and why it’s so important to have every level in an organization be purpose driven.


Specifically, here’s what you will learn:

  • What living your purpose is
  • The changes that have happened in organizations since the pandemic
  • Why we need to have purpose work at the forefront of what we’re doing
  • Why purpose is something that leaders in organizations need to be focusing on
  • How being purpose-driven can better position organizations in the marketplace
  • What helps certain leaders break-through and do things different than the rest?
  • What has helped Janet on her leadership and self-awareness journey
  • Where should someone start as they figure out what their purpose is?

Ready to learn more? Tune in!


Connect with Janet





P.S: Let’s talk!  Do you want a free coaching call with me? 

If you’re a coach, consultant, or course creator that:

  • Wants to build a business but doesn’t know how to sell yourself or your work.
  • Is struggling to connect with ideal clients or close the sales you need to generate the revenue you want.
  • Wants to stop feeling overwhelmed with busy work and can’t find the time to focus on the high value strategic work you need to be doing
  • Struggles to put a price on the value you bring

Then you’re in the right place!

Let’s connect to find a way for you to earn more profit, reach more clients and make a bigger impact.  Book a time with me today here:

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me. 

And if you enjoyed this episode, please pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning to Sell From Love.  

Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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