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Episode 72: Build a Beautiful Business with Steven Morris

Welcome to episode 72. In today’s episode, I have Steven Morris joining me.

Steven Morris helps business leaders build unignorable brands, cultures, and businesses through his work as an advisor, author, and speaker. He has worked with business leaders from Samsung, Sony, Habitat for Humanity, Amazon, International Trademark Association, NFL, MLB, and over 250 other brands. Over his 27 years as an entrepreneur, he’s served more than 3,000 global business leaders. His new book is entitled The Beautiful Business: An Actionable Manifesto to Create an Unignorable Business with Love at the Core (published on 11/11/21 by Conscious Capitalism Press). His previous book The Evolved Brand: How and Why to Build a Brand with Soul and Humanize Your Marketing was published in 2019. He reaches 25,000+ readers through his blog and writes about branding, culture, leadership, and the intersection between work and life as a contributing writer for Retail Observer, Wisdom Well, Business Week, Brand Week, Conscious Company Magazine, Communication Arts, HOW Magazine and MarketingProfs. When he is not supporting leaders in building beautiful brands and businesses, Steven explores his wholehearted participation with life as an artist, surfer, motorcyclist, and beekeeper.

Steven and I talk about beauty, how it fits into corporate culture and why it’s important to create a culture where you have enough psychological safety to experiment with things that might not work.

Specifically, here’s what you will learn:

  • The core definition of beauty
  • How do you make sense of where beauty fits in?
  • Why your creativity kicks in at a very high level when you’re acting from either love or service
  • Why it’s important to experiment with things
  • Why there is such a significant value in bringing in experts who know how to help an organization navigate the complexity of what they’re facing
  • Why business leaders need to grow and evolve in order for the business to grow

Ready to learn more? Tune in!

Connect with Steven




Instagram: @matter_smorris

P.S: Let’s talk!  Do you want a free coaching call with me? 

If you’re a coach, consultant, or course creator that:

  • Wants to build a business but doesn’t know how to sell yourself or your work.
  • Is struggling to connect with ideal clients or close the sales you need to generate the revenue you want.
  • Wants to stop feeling overwhelmed with busy work and can’t find the time to focus on the high value strategic work you need to be doing
  • Struggles to put a price on the value you bring

Then you’re in the right place!

Let’s connect to find a way for you to earn more profit, reach more clients and make a bigger impact.  Book a time with me today here:

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me. 

And if you enjoyed this episode, please pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning to Sell From Love.  

Buy the Sell From Love book here!

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