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A blue and white graphic with the Transformational Selling Podcast logo, an image of a group of excited female workers in front of a laptop to the left, a headshot of Finka Jerkovic to the right, and the words, "5 Tips to Hit Your Q4 Sales Goal."

Episode 122: 5 Tips to Hit Your Q4 Sales Goal

Welcome to episode 122 of the Transformational Selling™ Podcast! If you’re short of hitting your Q4 sales goal and want to give your all to your business and clients for the last three months of 2023, then this episode is perfect for you! 

I chat about 5 tips that will keep you on track to generate more revenue, deepen client relationships, and prime your pipeline for the new year.  

When it comes to the end of the year, you may feel lackluster, like your sales energy tank is low and you’re running on fumes. You’re not alone in this. Whether you’re $50 away from your revenue goal or $5,000, these 5 tips will guide you toward generating more profit while reigniting your passion for yourself, your offer, and your clients. 

Specifically, here’s what you will learn: 

  • How taking continuous sales actions can create momentum and growth for your business. 
  • How to prioritize the most important sales actions to help you reach your Q4 sales goal. 
  • The power of connecting with new clients and deepening relationships with your current clientele.  
  • The importance of outlining short-term and long-term wins. 
  • How to work toward your short-term wins for 2023 and long-term wins for 2024.  
  • Why you should always follow through on the promises you make to yourself and your business.  
  • What an offer a day habit is and how it can keep you disciplined and motivated. 

Sell From Love™ Coaching Doors Are Open!  

I’m excited to announce that I’m accepting new clients into the Sell from Love™ Coaching program! If you’re a business owner and leader who needs to improve your business strategy, generate more revenue, and become more confident about your offer, then this program is right for you. Invest in the growth of your business and save your seat by clicking the button below. 

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me.  

And if you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review us on iTunes and pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning about Transformational Selling. 

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