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A blue and white graphic with the Transformational Selling Podcast logo, an image representing communication to the left, a headshot of Finka Jerkovic to the right, and the words "Episode 131: The Most Powerful Communication Skill You Need in Your Sales Toolkit" in the middle.

Episode 131: The Most Powerful Communication Skill You Need in Your Sales Toolkit

Welcome to episode 131 of the Transformational Selling™ Podcast!  

We’re continuing the Signature Sales Style series by focusing on the most important communication skill to have in your repertoire: storytelling. 

“But how does storytelling tie into sales?” you may think. Well, the whole goal of storytelling is to generate connections, rapport, comfort, and feelings (both good and bad). All of these elements will aid your client or prospect in placing their trust in you, cultivating their willingness to work with you. In general, storytelling is one of the best ways to resonate with your customers. Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts.  

Listen to this episode to uncover the four types of storytelling and how they can make a prosperous impact on your sales. 

Specifically, here’s what you will learn: 

  • What storytelling exactly is. 
  • The true power of storytelling. 
  • How storytelling can improve your sales and client relationships.  
  • Why stories are more powerful than facts alone.  
  • 2 tips to help you become a fluent and confident storyteller.  

Download the Signature Sales Style Blueprint 

Are you ready to become more comfortable in your skin, drive value confidently in your own unique way, and ultimately become a respected and trusted leader? Download the Signature Sales Style Blueprint here. 

 Download the Signature Sales Style Blueprint 

Are you ready to become more comfortable in your skin, drive value confidently in your own unique way, and ultimately become a respected and trusted leader? Download the Signature Sales Style Blueprint here. 

If you have a specific question or topic, you’d like me to talk about on the podcast I want to hear from you. Email me at to share it with me.  

And if you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review us on iTunes and pass it along to a friend or colleague that would also benefit from learning about Transformational Selling. 

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